Who, What, When, Where, Why?
Australia, RTW: 2007-2008, Uncategorized, World - other travel posts — By Kelly on October 17, 2007 8:49 AMI know what you all are thinking and wondering, so let me answer your questions now:
Q: Where are you going?
A: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Indonesia, Thailand and…???
Q: Who are you going with?
A: Lauren, my first SF friend, is also coming to Sydney.
Q: What will you be doing?
A: Working and traveling
Q: When are you leaving?
A: November 12, 2007
Q: Why are you leaving?
A: Why not?
Q: How long will you be gone?
A: I don’t know…until I am ready to come back.
Q: What did you do with all your stuff?
A: Everything I own is in storage in San Francisco, except for the 2 bags I am bringing.
Q: Where will you live?
A: I don’t know…I will figure it out when I get there.
Q: Where will you work?
A: I don’t know…I will figure it out when I get there.
Q: Do you know anyone in Australia
A: Not yet, but I will know many Aussies very soon.
Q: Where will you live when you get back?
A: I don’t know…I will see how I feel IF and when I come back.
Q: Why Australia?
A: Top 10 Reasons I am going down under:1. Aussie men are HOT.
2. I love the accent.
3. People of legendary friendliness.
4. Great beaches, great cities.
5. Natural wonders (Great Barrier Reef, Outback).
6. Lands of astonishing beauty.
7. The sun is always smiling.
8. Unique animals like koalas, kangaroos, kookaburra, cassowarry, dingo, and crocodiles.
9. One can fly, float, dive, jump, sail, surf, ride, climb, paddle, and hike.
10. Close to so many other cool countries!
Now that I have answered some of your immediate questions, let me explain in more detail why and how I am leaving everything and everyone behind to travel the world…
I traveled alone for the first time this year and absolutely loved the freedom I had to do whatever I wanted and to explore a new country my way. While in Costa Rica, I realized there are so many beautiful places in the world I have never seen and I became determined to see it all! As my 2 week vacation neared an end, all I could think about was where I should go next???
While in Costa Rica I read the book “Eat, Pray, Love,” a true story of a woman’s soul searching travels around the world after the ending of her relationship. It was ironic that my bookclub selected this book for the following months meeting, as I could relate completely to the author at that time. I found her story to be very inspiring, as I went to Costa Rica on a “recovery trip” after an abrupt ending of a very serious relationship. I, too, had found myself in a situation far different than where I thought I would be at that time in my life. I have always been a very ambitious, goal-oriented planner, but for the first time in my life I felt lost. I felt exhausted by recent changes and conflicted as to what to do next…which path to take. Could I ultimately commit to one career, one city, and one lifestyle when so many opportunities lie before me? I knew I wanted to embrace my life and make the most of my situation and newly found freedom. I decided to take a major life detour…one that I hope might provide me with new perspectives, insight into myself, and even possibly a road-map to my future. I know there may not be another time in my life when I do not have a boyfriend, a permanent job, a car, or a mortgage payment. I could have found all of these “not haves” a bit depressing, but instead I decided to use my anchor-free situation as my ticket to exploring the world, as well as myself.
While on a bus in San Jose, Costa Rica in route to the airport to return to SF, I was thinking about where I should go next when I heard the song “I come from the land down under.” I have always wanted to visit Australia for many reasons and I saw this as a sign that I should go there soon. There is a program called Bunac that allows anyone 30 years old or under to acquire a Work Visa in Australia. I am turning 30 this year, so all the more reason to go now. I will be able to work for 4 months and travel for an additional 3. I do not intend to look for a job until I get to Sydney and hope to find a fun job that will allow me to meet lots of people and just chill out and have fun! I just finished bartending school in San Francisco and may choose to utilize my new skills during my travels!
Kissing my job, family, friends, and beloved San Francisco goodbye, I have started making plans for my journey around the globe. I am building a very loose itinerary that begins in Sydney, Australia. I plan to spend at least 7 months in Australia, and then head to New Zealand, Fiji, Indonesia, and Thailand to start. I have no specific plan for where I will live, where I will work, or how long I will stay in each location. I am going with one bag and one backpack so that I can up and move quickly and easily. I plan to explore the cultures, mindsets, and lifestyles of our international counterparts along the way. I look forward to getting to know thousands of strangers, as well as getting to know myself better.
I have no idea what the next year will hold, or where the future will take me, but I can’t wait to start the journey. My trip kicks off on November 12, 2007. I hope you will stick with me every step of the way!
Tags: adventure, australia, travel planning
You are amazing and inspiring! I hope your travels give you more fabulous experiences that you could ever hope for! I’ll be checking in to your blog to see what you’re up to — especially to see if you’re #1 reason for going to Australia is true (I have a feeling it is!). Happy trails…
Kelly – You rock in a big way! You are doing what most people only dream of. I know you’ll make the most of it. I’ll miss our chats, but look forward to following your footsteps along the way.
Much love,
hey kelly,
wishing you all the best on your trip. sorry i missed the kp going away shindig.
did you remember to pack your thongs? that’s what aussie’s call their flip-flops y’know.
Kelly…you are an amazing person. You go out there meet some kick ass peeps and have an awesome time. Don’t forget the Beano!
I’m so happy and excited for you. You’re an inspiration to so many!You’ll have an incredible time. I can’t wait to keep up with all your adventures.
kelly, that is SO COOL!!! i’m very jealous!!! i’ll just live vicariously through you and obsessively read your blog! 🙂 good luck and i can’t wait to hear about your adventures!
Your blog is so interesting. I am actually teaching about Oceania in my classroom right now. I have told all of my students about you and your trip. We have been following your travels! Your entries are excellent! I hope the rest of your journey goes well.
Temple Holland