Recent Articles
Buddha, Buddha, and more Buddha!!!

Nicole and I have spent the past two days going from wat, to wat, to wat; seeing Buddhas galore! We have seen golden Buddhas, giant Buddhas, sitting Buddhas, standing Buddhas, reclining Buddhas and have learned the meaning of each position according to Buddhists… reclining – exact moment of Buddha’s enlightenmentsitting – Buddha teaching or meditation; […]
Packing has to be my least favorite past time. I have never been know to be a “good packer”; however, I have to say that I have learned a lot and improved upon my packing skills on this trip. I have packed an repacked a dozen times already, slimming down my bag each time. Danny […]
Alone on a deserted island…

There have been many times in my life when I have longed to be alone on a deserted island. I just spent five very relaxing days on the beautiful island of Koh Chang, which was exactly what I mind as I wanted nothing more but to be alone in a quiet and beautiful place. Koh […]
My first few days in Bangkok…

I arrived in Bangkok at 8 am, after an overnight flight from Darwin, and a ridiculously long layover in Singapore. As I exited the airport, I was stunned by the intense heat and humidity. Man it is hot here! The first thing I did was to withdrawal some cash (1 Thai Baht currently equals about […]
Headed to Southeast Asia!!!

The last few days have been a bit frantic as I have prepared to leave Australia heading next to Southeast Asia. Today I sent my laptop back to Sydney along with a big box of stuff I did not want to to carry with me for the next part of my journey. My new smaller […]
Northern Territory (aka: Crocodile Territory)

I spent the last five days in Darwin and the surrounding National Parks in the Northern Territory of Australia. The Northern Territory is Australia’s real “Outback” and home to many natural wonders as well as over 200,000 crocodiles! Aboriginal people hold a spiritual connection to this land; their 40,000 year old story is shared on […]
Two Killed in Camel Crash
I love to read the local papers when visiting a new town. Yesterday this article caught my attention on the front page of the Northern Territory News… Two killed in Camel Crash… After their vehicle hit a camel on a remote Outback Hwy last night. The accident occurred at 8 pm in a landcruiser, help […]
Under the Sea – Great Barrier Reef!

Monday, June 9, 2008: 16˚ South Latitude, aboard Haba Tour’s high speed catamaran“Eclipse” Sea Conditions: Rough/Harsh Water Temperature: 26˚C/79˚F Departure Time: 8:30 AM Destination: Great Barrier Reef (Outer Reef – Opal Reef) SUMMARY: Scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef is by far one of the best experiences I have had on this trip so […]
SNAKE!!! Cape Tribulation & Daintree Rainforest

As I am typing this post, I know I am lucky that I did not spend the last few days in the hospital, after coming within centimeters of stepping on a snake!!! Stacy, Nicole, and I stayed in the very jungelly area of Cape Tribulation. I was walking a few feet in front of them, […]
Sex and the City
I was SO excited to see “Sex And The City”, which premiered last night in Australia. The movie was released sooner in the states, so I had to make sure I did not read or listen to anything that might spoil the show for me! Like most girls I know, I have seen every episode […]
Band Photos!

My friends and I have been known to party like rock stars and we feel it’s only appropriate to snap our own band photos! Click here to check out our newest ALBUM COVERS! Be sure to check in on the bands photos from time to time as we continue to rock on! Credits to producer […]