Archive for the ‘Southeast Asia’ Category
Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare

If I were to buy a book about Sarah Palin it would be Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare, as the title reflects my sentiment toward the vice presidential candidate. A parody of Palin’s memoir, the book is comprised of essays from various publications and bloggers that take a harsh look at Palin’s verbal […]
Buddhist Chants

Last week I decided to drop into the San Francisco Buddhist Center, where I have attended meditation classes in the past. I was excited to learn that a class was just starting as it was Sangha Night (Sangha is the Buddhist word for spiritual community). The class started of a 25 minute group meditation followed […]
Kuta Beach, Bali

We all headed back to Kuta, Bali, where I spent my last three days in Southeast Asia. Most people have heard of Kuta as a result of the terrorist bombings that occurred here in 2003 & 2005. It was eerie being in Bali on the anniversary of the bombings. And at this very moment, as […]
The Gilis

From Ubud, Sara and I took a shuttle bus east to Padangbai, Bali, where we boarded the Perama boat the only boat that offers service directly to the Gilis from Bali. The five hour boat ride was less than luxurious but we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery as we went up the west […]
Ubud, Bali

After a few days at the beach, Sara and I headed to the city of Ubud, located about an hour north of Kuta. Tourist come to Ubud for the arts as it is considered the cultural center of Bali. Late in the 19th century, Cokorda Gede Sukawati established a branch of the Sukawati royal family […]
Sara meets me in Seminyak, Bali

I arrived in Bali, Indonesia a few days before my friend Sara was due to arrive from San Francisco. I spent those first days doing absolutely nothing as I feared that my two weeks with Sara would be jam packed and exhausting. I have come to expect friends that visit me during my travels are […]
Slinging it in Singapore!

Nicole and I took a bus from Melaka, Malaysia to Singapore. The bus ride took four hours and cost only $15. It is quite shocking to see how immaculate Singapore is right in the middle of Southeast Asia! It is modern, clean, organized and has the ultra-efficient Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) train system that can […]

After the jungle, we headed Melaka, which turned out to be a charming town full of Malaysian history. We arrived in Melaka on October 1st, the first day after the end of Ramada which is a big celebration for the Muslim communities as well as the beginning of a week long holiday. Melaka was crowded […]
Back to the jungle…Taman Negara

After traveling apart for two weeks, Nicole and I met up again in Taman Negara, Malaysia. Lonely Planet described Taman Negara as “A buzzing, leech-infested mass of primary forest over 130 million years old, sprawling across 4343 sq km.” Despite all the “jungle fun” we had in Laos a few months back, Nicole and I […]
Perhentian Islands: where I found solitude and scuba

Throughout my travels I have really pushed myself to try new things and have set out to discover all that I enjoy and what makes me happy. Perhaps the most surprising realization I have made in the past year is just how much I enjoy being alone. As a “Type A” personality and someone who […]
New city fun…Kuala Lumpur

There is nothing more exciting than arriving to a new country for the first time!!! I always get a rush and I am filled with a mixture of emotions as I step off a plane or a bus in a new city and or country. Naturally, one can also feel a little anxious as to […]