Archive for the ‘Learned something new today’ Category
Population Exchange between Turkey & Greece

Can you even imagine a day in which the ruler of your country says that you and over a million of your neighbors have to relocate … to another country? That is exactly what happened in 1923, known as the “population exchange” between Greece and Turkey. After WWI, the Ottoman Empire fell apart leading to […]
Turkey. A new country in an old land

TURKEY Where East meets West Where legends like Alexander the Great use to roam Where the Trojan War took place Where ancient ruins tell stories Where dynasties and cultural legacies are still prevalent in a modern times By far one of the most fascinating countries I have ever visited! Turkey is a new country in […]
What is the capital of Switzerland?

Do you know what city is the capital of Switzerland? I didn’t until my recent trip to the land of cheese and chocolate. If you had asked me, I would have guessed Zurich or Geneva and I would have been wrong. The capital of Switzerland is Bern, a city of about 140,000 people making it […]
LSNT: How to drive a stick!

I know, I know, it is ridiculous that only this past weekend I learned how to drive a manual transmission (aka “a stick” where I come from)! Apparently not having this skill before was very “American” of me. Nevertheless, skirt can officially drive a stick. There may be some stalling happening from time to time, […]
How to kitesurf offshore – Minerva Reef

Learned Something New Today: How to kitesurf offshore by launching from a yacht! Before arriving at Minerva Reefs we were unsure if we would have the opportunity to explore the two submerged atolls that belong to Tonga. Discovered in 1829 when the whaler vessel Minerva struck the reef and was shipwrecked for weeks. Our captain […]
How to make tuatua fritters

Learned something new today … how to make tuatua fritters. What is a tuatua you ask? Tuatua is a shellfish that can be found in abundance on the northern half of the North Island of New Zealand during low tide. A local had suggested we find ourselves some tuatua and fry into “fritters”, a very […]
Sailing 101 on the Wild Goose

Learned something new today … In an effort to gain sailing experience Thomas and I went out to sea for a few days with Wild Goose Sailing Expeditions. We sailed from Waiheke and surrounding small islands to Auckland. Australian Captain Jamie and his partner Lisa along with Tane (the baby on board) live on the […]
Crayfish Fun Day!

I had been saying for a while I wanted to go out on a crayfish boat before I leave Lancelin. When I met Chris, GM of a crayfish exporting company, he said he could hook me up with one of the local fishermen who would be happy to take me and a few of my […]
How to make butterzopf (Swiss braided bread)

I love learning new recipes from around the world. My Swiss roommate taught me how to make butterzopf (braided bread) which is traditionally made every Sunday in Switzerland. The bread turned out so good and we enjoyed with butter and apricot jam! Make your own butterzopt as follows … 1. Mix ingredients bellow allow to sit […]

Learned something new today: Strangely enough I learned a new English word from my new Swiss friends. They recently attended English school and find the English language to be quite confusing at times. They asked me if I had ever heard the word schadenfreude. I had not. Schadenfreude – a feeling of pleasure that you […]
Aussie RT – Day 28: Finding Jesus in New Norcia

After our detour inland to find wildflowers, we stumbled upon the small town of New Norcia. We heard that monks resided in the town and I suggested we go to the evening service as I love to listen to monks chanting. As we entered the building the first thing I noticed was a large photo […]
Aussie RT – Day 21-22: Exmouth (America Down Under) – Navy Pier Dive

The town of Exmouth, located on the tip of the northwest cape of Western Australia, was established in 1964 to support the nearby United States Naval Base. The US built a pier to man the twelve towers used to communicate with submarines during the cold war, their signals reaching as far as San Francisco. Back […]