Archive for the ‘Kitesurfing’ Category
Good times in Lano …

Beautiful people, beautiful place. I will always remember the time I spent in Lancelin, Western Australia. Thanks for the memories, it was fun! Video below of good times …
A funky little shack

There are so many cool spots that go undiscovered by those who stick to a well worn tourist track. Sometimes it takes staying put in one place for a while to hear about the local hidden jewels that have yet to be spoiled by us tourists. This week I discovered a funky but beautiful place […]
Learning to kitesurf with Makani Kai Kiteboarding

“Don’t do anything until the kite is at 12:00,” my kitesurfing instructor Kelly reminded me, her voice echoing inside the radio helmet that was a bit too large for my small head. I knew I looked quite goofy out at sea, but felt reassured knowing that my instructor could still communicate with me from shore. […]
Kitesurfing lesson demo

Video of kiting lesson with Makani Kai Kiteboarding School. During this lesson the board was first introduced and a self rescue was demonstrated.
iKiteGlobal Kitesurfing Travel Guide

Love kitesurfing? Wondering where the wind is blowing now? Need a kitesurfing vacation? Download iKiteGlobal Kitesufing Travel Guide, and take a virtual kitesurfing trip around the world from your iPhone or iPad. The iKiteGlobal Kitesurfing travel guide includes detailed information on over 120 of the World’s best kitesurfing, windsurfing and snowkiting spots with beautiful photos, […]
Sunset Kiting in Lancelin

Photo credits to Sarah Son.
My buddy Stevo doing one of his many awe-inspiring jumps!
Makani Kai Kiteboarding School

Having so much fun learning to kitesurf with Makani Kai! Check out my video …
Lancelin Ocean Classic

The Lancelin Ocean Classic occurred this past weekend, and is by far the biggest event that happens in this small town. The Ocean Classic is a world renowned windsurfing event that has occurred annually since 1986 attracting competitors from all over the world. The first two days consist of wave sailing, the Ledge to Lancelin Ocean […]
If at first you don’t succeed, try try try try again!

Video of my kitesurfing adventures in Lancelin …
Blown away by Lancelin …

I was recently reminded why I do not make plans too far in advance when traveling and prefer to fly by the seat of my skirt. I have always regretted the times when I have thought too far ahead instead of allowing life to evolve, as it should be. Plan as you may, things change, […]