Archive for the ‘Germany’ Category
Best of 2013 – By the Seat of My Skirt

This post is late, but I enjoyed reliving 2013 putting together the “Best Of” list! BEST ADVENTURE: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro BEST CHALLENGE/ACHIEVEMENT: Summiting Kilimanjaro – 19,340 feet! BEST HOME AWAY FROM HOME: Stäfa, Switzerland COOLEST CREATURE: The Lemur BEST FIRST IMPRESSION: Naxos, Greece BEST DAY HIKE: There is a great hiking trail Glarus, Switzerland that […]
Be Still and Know

My new mantra after attending a meditation retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh is … BE STILL AND KNOW This mantra is a reminder to me to slow down, be still, be quiet, be present, be mindful, breath … and I will gain a deeper understanding of myself and others, cultivating compassion and happiness. In times when I fell […]
The Aesthetic of Lostness

“Half the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness” – Ray Bradbury I recently took a transcontinental flight with a 10-hour layover. My total travel time from San Francisco to Zurich would end up being 27 hours. Yes, there were other flight options, perhaps even “better” ones depending on your perspective, but I chose […]
Kölner Dom

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom), the largest church in Germany. Construction of the cathedral started in 1248 and was not completed until 1880. CLICK HERE to see more photos of Köln, Germany.