Posts Tagged ‘Western Australia’
If at first you don’t succeed, try try try try again!

Video of my kitesurfing adventures in Lancelin …
White Christmas in Lancelin

Lancelin is nestled between the ocean and seemingly endless white sand dunes. From the top of the dunes you can see a pretty view of the ocean and is a great place to catch the sunset. As I recently learned, the dunes is not the best place to visit on a windy day! There are […]
How to make butterzopf (Swiss braided bread)

I love learning new recipes from around the world. My Swiss roommate taught me how to make butterzopf (braided bread) which is traditionally made every Sunday in Switzerland. The bread turned out so good and we enjoyed with butter and apricot jam! Make your own butterzopt as follows … 1. Mix ingredients bellow allow to sit […]
GBF: Moved into a cool beach house!

THE GOOD – I moved into a sweet little beach house in Lancelin! I am living with Robyn (Canadian), Ros (Irish), Stevo and Thomas (Swiss). We each only pay $50/week for the place and it is so nice to have my own room once again! The house is just across the street from the beach […]
Happy Anniversary Lancelin Lodge!

Last week I celebrated the 15 year anniversary of Lancelin Lodge. Owners Trish and Trev threw a party at the hostel, treating us all to a lovely dinner and fun times with new friends. Trish & Trev came up with the idea to build the lodge after staying in hostels for the first time while traveling […]
Lost in Translation

My new friend Mylene is French and when she is not windsurfing she is always wanting to practice her English. I have loved my chats with Mylene as well as her yummy apple pies. As a homework assignment I asked her to write out her secret apple pie recipe in English. Mylene has a sweet […]
Thanksgiving Down Under

I am attempting to catch up this blog with all I have been up to the past three weeks in Lancelin. I have been having too much fun kitesurfing and hanging with new friends to want to sit down in front of a computer! A few weeks back I hosted a very international Thanksgiving dinner […]
Blown away by Lancelin …

I was recently reminded why I do not make plans too far in advance when traveling and prefer to fly by the seat of my skirt. I have always regretted the times when I have thought too far ahead instead of allowing life to evolve, as it should be. Plan as you may, things change, […]
How much did the Aussie road trip cost us???

People often ask me how I can afford to travel so much. Long term travel doesn’t have to be expensive and it is quite possible to travel for months on a small daily budget. If you are willing to rough it, sleep in strange places, and eat lots of PB&J, you will be surprised how […]
Aussie RT Day 33-38: Road trip ends in Perth

After 38 days on the road, 8000 km driven, the Stacy/Kelly/Hercules WA road trip came to an end in Perth. Stacy and I said goodbye as she had to catch a flight to Melbourne and then back to San Francisco. I checked into a hostel (Easy Perth Backpackers) for the first time during my trip […]
Bye Bye Hercules, we will miss you heaps!

On the way to Margaret River we stopped for a few days in Perth to prepare Hercules for sale. Herc had driven us from Darwin to Perth, over 8,000 KM (5,000 miles) without a bath. He was SO dirty!!! It took us over three hours to get all of the red outback dust and dirt […]
Aussie RT Day 29-32 – Margaret River

Margaret River (aka Marge) is located about 3 hours south of Perth and is best known to be an excellent wine making region, home to 90 wineries. Stacy’s friend Lara (also a Cali girl) lives in Marge and was kind enough to let us stay with her and her boyfriend Will. It was so nice […]