Posts Tagged ‘spontaneous travel’
Madagascar no plan no problem – canoeing down the Tsiribihina River

I didn’t realize at the time, with a single phone call, our fated path on the island would begin to unfold. A voice laced in French confirmed, “Yes madam we have one room available, I will send a driver to fetch you.” Having landed in Madagascar without a plan or a place to stay, I […]
I will not sell out my travel

“What do you do in travel?” she asked me. She, a woman who founded a company that develops products that help measure your social media impact. Me, an adventure traveler who could not care the least bit about measuring my social media impact. While many of the “travel people” who mingled about the event are […]
The Aesthetic of Lostness

“Half the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness” – Ray Bradbury I recently took a transcontinental flight with a 10-hour layover. My total travel time from San Francisco to Zurich would end up being 27 hours. Yes, there were other flight options, perhaps even “better” ones depending on your perspective, but I chose […]
Overcoming Fear – Meet Plan GO! 2012

My father says that I have never met a stranger. I suppose he is right. I love meeting new people and I can talk to anyone, an innate ability that has served me well as a traveler. Life on the road is full of chance and brief encounters with truly remarkable people. By not being […]
Itinerary NOT planning – How to travel by the seat of your skirt (or pants!)

I was recently one of three panelist at the Meet Plan Go San Francisco event, in which I spoke about my travel experiences, hoping to inspire the 120 guests in the audience to take a long career break. I also led small group sessions on the subject of itinerary planning, from the perspective of NOT […]
My next adventure … wherever the wind blows!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore… Dream… Discover. – Mark Twain My next big adventure … sailing to the […]
Blown away by Lancelin …

I was recently reminded why I do not make plans too far in advance when traveling and prefer to fly by the seat of my skirt. I have always regretted the times when I have thought too far ahead instead of allowing life to evolve, as it should be. Plan as you may, things change, […]