Posts Tagged ‘sailing’
How to land a crewing job at sea

My article was originally published on Meet Plan Go! As I knock, knock, knocked on the window of a sleek catamaran with a shiny teak deck, I wondered, is this appropriate behavior? Had I been visiting a house, I would have knocked on the front door, but climbing aboard seemed intrusive. No one emerged from below deck. […]
Erromango Island Vanuatu

Erromango is a forested island in Vanuatu with a small population that lives in villages along the coast. Once named Martyrs Island when many missionaries met violent deaths there amongst hostile cannibals, and later named Sandalwood Island because of the abundance of the soft wood. Today the people are anything but hostile, sandalwood is scarce […]
Mount Yasur

Mt Yasur is an active volcano on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. Climbing to the summit is easy, the low volcano rises to a height of 361 m (1,184 ft) above sea level. It was an amazing and frightening experience to stand on the rim of the volcano as flaming lava shot out of the […]
One Big Family in Tanna

From sea we watched in awe as Mt. Yaser erupted in the distance, the red lava balls visible in the distance as we sailed toward the island of Tanna. We anchored at Port of Resolution, by morning the boat was covered in black volcanic ash. We stayed anchored in the same place for over a […]
Kitesurfing Mystery Island

The island of Inyeug was renamed “Mystery Island” by the owner of a cruise ship who began bringing passengers to the deserted island in 1980 as it was a mystery whether they could land their passengers there because of unpredictable seas. Today no one lives on the island is because its traditional owners who live […]
In the next fifty years

“What do you think your home will look like in the next fifty years?“, Infinity Expedition’s volunteer crew ask the people living in the remote villages of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Without prompting, Barry, resident of Aneityum island in southern Vanuatu, told us the story of how he has recently had to build a […]
Sailing aboard Infinity

After spending a week cruising around the Yasawa Islands in Fiji, Infinity and its crew set sail for Vanuatu. The passage took only four days and we anchored beside the country’s most southern island, Aneityum. The passage was much more fun than our experiences from New Zealand to Tonga and Tonga to Fiji. With a […]
The happiest people in the world …

live in Vanuatu (van-wat-too), reported the author of an article Thomas read when we were living in Western Australia. I had never heard of the country nor could I have placed it on a map, but I remember saying “I want to go there.” Comprised of 83 small islands, the nation of Vanuatu is a […]
Held hostage in Fiji!

I would probably get slapped if I were to say I was annoyed that we got stuck in Fiji the past week, as there are much worse places to be forced to be against your will! Fiji is great, but I wanted to be in Vanuatu by now! In my last post Help Me Save […]
Bird Poop Island – Yasawa, Fiji

The beautiful islands of the Yasawa island group are abundant in marine life housing beautiful coral, turtles, manta rays and colorful fish. There are also more than 100 species of birds throughout the Yasawas. We cruised by a tiny island that seemed to be a favorite for many birds!
Help me save the planet!!!

I have the opportunity to increase the possibility of a sustainable future for our planet. Today I will join Infinity, 120 ft sailing expedition vessel that is setting sail for Vanuatu on July 6th. The mission of Infinity Expeditions is to promote global awareness, understanding and collaboration, real-world problem solving of environmental issues and choices impacting our […]
Sailing Ocean Passage: Tonga to Fiji

After our crewing experience aboard Wonderland, we were unsure if this new found crewing/yachtie life was for us. We decided to take a crewing offer if it fell in our laps as a means to save money; otherwise, we would be fine with flying to Fiji. Our first day on land in Tonga, we were […]