Posts Tagged ‘road trip’
Aussie RT Day 9: Tunnel Creek & Windjana Gorge

Tunnel Creek flows through a water-worn tunnel beneath the limestone of the Napier Range – part of an extensive fossilized barrier reef from Devonian times 360 million years ago. The tunnel is the most ancient cave system in Western Australia. The 750 meter trek through the pitch black tunnel had us wading through waist high […]
The Kimberley via Gibb River Road

We have been having some serious fun in the Outback since my last post! It has been hard to catch up on the blog due to lack of internet and electricity. After El Questro we drove deep into the Kimberley to explore the wild wild west! Each day in the Kimberley was spent hiking through […]
Road Rule #1 – DO NOT put anything on the roof!

We had to part ways with our new friends after the Bungles trip, Thibaut and Shir headed toward Broome via the highway while Stacy and I headed north to connect with the Gibb River Road. We hope to all meet again in Broome soon. It was dark when Stacy and I arrived in Kunanurra, so […]
Aussie RT Day 4-5: Bungle Bungles

It was a tight fit, but we managed to squeeze four people into the Jeep. We had to leave some of our stuff in Thibauth’s car to make room for him and Shir. The two made great travel companions and we were happy to have them accompany us on our Bungle Bungles adventure. We turned […]
Aussie RT Day 3: Everything happens for a reason

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason – good or bad – life is as it should be. I also believe the saying “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Day 3 of our Aussie road trip was spent mostly driving toward Western Australia, unsure of which […]
Aussie RT Day 1: FLAT TIRE!

Seriously, I have to ask … who gets a flat tire in the first 10 minutes of a road trip??? Stacy and Kelly that’s who! No joke, lie, or exaggeration. We had just excitedly waved goodbye to Ludo and Steph, happy to be on the road with Hercules on the first day of our big adventure. […]
We bought a 4WD Jeep!!!

And his name is Hercules … but first let me explain Stacy and I came to be proud owners of a 1995 4WD Jeep Cherokee! When our plane to Darwin landed at 1:00 in the morning, Stacy and I wondered where we would sleep? It seemed silly to spend money on a hostel for only […]
Why Australia … again?

A friend recently asked me – “If your favorite thing is to go where you have never been, then why are you going back to Australia?” As I pondered my growing list of places I must see before I die, I did wonder – why do I have such a strong pull toward the land […]
Road Trip: Byron Bay & Gold Coast

Spencer and I spent last weekend in beautiful Byron Bay. We met up with our friend Stacy from San Francisco, who is living and working in Byron. We spent our first afternoon catching up with Stacy at the Beach Hotel and the three of us walked along the beach together watching the sun set over […]
Road Trip: North Coast

After four days driving north on Highway 1, Spencer and I have visited three beautiful beach towns along the north coast of Australia. We have been utilizing a book Spencer brought called Drive Around Australia,” stopping whenever we see something of interest. NELSON BAY/PORT STEPHENS We only spent one day in Nelson Bay; however, I […]
The Great Ocean Road

I spent a few days in South Australia in the city of Adelaide. The weather was bad most of my visit but I did make it down to Gelong to see the beach and promenade. Danny took Friday off and flew from Sydney to meet me and we drove the Great Ocean Road together to […]