Posts Tagged ‘Love’
Eternal Love in Tikal

Tomb of King Hasaw Chan K’awil who ruled the ancient Mayan city of Tikal in Guatemala “Mayan inscriptions proclaim that Hasaw Chan K’awil adored his wife. He also built a temple in her honor-facing his. And twice annually, on the spring and autumn equinox, the sun rises behind his royal dwelling to cast its shadow […]
Lemur LOVE

I fell in love with a monkey at a very young age and have been obsessed with monkeys ever since. We first met at the county fair, she was wearing a red and white gingham dress and matching bonnet. I was wearing pigtails and Velcro sneakers. I squealed in delight as she pinched a penny […]
Different Countries, Different Customs. Learning what NOT to do

I strategically positioned myself on the outer left perimeter of the women, ready to box out anyone who got in my way. Knees slightly bent standing on the balls of my feet, I anticipated the throw. My adrenaline was pumping, I took a deep breath. She heaved it over her head and it sailed high […]
The Aesthetic of Lostness

“Half the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness” – Ray Bradbury I recently took a transcontinental flight with a 10-hour layover. My total travel time from San Francisco to Zurich would end up being 27 hours. Yes, there were other flight options, perhaps even “better” ones depending on your perspective, but I chose […]
When in Venice …

ride in a gondola! Sure, it may be one of the most cliché, touristy things to do in entire world, but there really is something magical in gliding past ancient palaces and marveling at magnificent Venetian engineering and architecture. A gondola ride through the narrow canals of the floating city has long been romanticized, and […]
What is LOVE???

When your boyfriend lets you fly his brand new 2012 Cabrinha Swtichblade 6m kite before he does! To see more photos from kiting in Dakhla, Western Sahara CLICK HERE!
Golden Sands & European Trysts: My Next Big Trip

“About to take off!!! YAYYYY Can you please email me German words? Need a crash course! See you soooon! Love you heaps!!! MWAH” … was the erratic email I sent to Thomas as the cabin doors closed. The plane was ready for departure, and I was ready for yet another adventure abroad! Long- term travel […]
A Dutch Wedding

I went to The Netherlands to attend my Dutch friend wedding. I had not seen my friend since she left San Francisco two years ago and I met her fiance for the first time! What a great catch! It was so special to me to be able to be a part of her big day […]