Posts Tagged ‘learned something new today’
How to make butterzopf (Swiss braided bread)

I love learning new recipes from around the world. My Swiss roommate taught me how to make butterzopf (braided bread) which is traditionally made every Sunday in Switzerland. The bread turned out so good and we enjoyed with butter and apricot jam! Make your own butterzopt as follows … 1. Mix ingredients bellow allow to sit […]

Learned something new today: Strangely enough I learned a new English word from my new Swiss friends. They recently attended English school and find the English language to be quite confusing at times. They asked me if I had ever heard the word schadenfreude. I had not. Schadenfreude – a feeling of pleasure that you […]
Aussie Egg Mystery Solved

Learned Something New Today … Why are eggs not found in the refrigerated part of the grocery store in Australia? This is a question I have wondered for years after looking for eggs in the refrigerated dairy section only to find them shelved next to the bread in grocery stores throughout Australia. I have asked […]
The Sauna

Learned something new today … There are many different traditions surrounding sweat baths all over the world. Most of the tradition around the modern day sauna comes from Finland, a country that has more saunas than cars! Why the new found knowledge about saunas? Stacy and I decided backpackers deserve pampering every once in a […]
The history of the meat raffle

Learned something new today … When Stacy and her friend Lawrence told me we were going to a meat raffle last night I said, “Okay – why not – but what exactly is a meat raffle?” A meat raffle is a tradition of raffling off meat, usually in a bar or pub, originating in Britain […]
Learned something new today …

Travel is the most experiential form of learning. Acquiring new information and perspectives on the road is perhaps the most rewarding part of travel for me. Whether it be a lesson in history, culture, people, or a random fact – I have learned so much more through experiencing the world first hand in comparison to […]
Cambodia: The Genocide Years

The time I have spent in Cambodia combined with the knowledge I have learned about this country’s horrific history, has made me appreciate more than ever the opportunities, security, and quality of life I was granted being born in America. Cambodia has literally been to hell and back and continues to suffer today. As I […]