Posts Tagged ‘kimberley’
How much did the Aussie road trip cost us???

People often ask me how I can afford to travel so much. Long term travel doesn’t have to be expensive and it is quite possible to travel for months on a small daily budget. If you are willing to rough it, sleep in strange places, and eat lots of PB&J, you will be surprised how […]
Aussie RT Day 15-17 – Karijini National Park

When we arrived in Broome we posted a sign offering a ride to Perth to anyone willing to share in the cost of petrol. We received a few responses and ended up picking Joel, a 23 year old British guy who seemed very easy going and wanted to do the same things we did on […]
Aussie RT Day 9: Tunnel Creek & Windjana Gorge

Tunnel Creek flows through a water-worn tunnel beneath the limestone of the Napier Range – part of an extensive fossilized barrier reef from Devonian times 360 million years ago. The tunnel is the most ancient cave system in Western Australia. The 750 meter trek through the pitch black tunnel had us wading through waist high […]
Do not fear the man with an ax …

he is here to fix the broken latch securing the spare tire to the Jeep!
Aussie RT Day 7-8: Emma, Manning & Belle Gorge

The next few days were all about hiking and swimming. A tough life, I know! In all fairness, the hikes were quite difficult at times and always sweltering hot. The ice cold watering holes we dove in at the end of each gorge were worth the sweat! Each hike and gorge was so different than […]
The Kimberley via Gibb River Road

We have been having some serious fun in the Outback since my last post! It has been hard to catch up on the blog due to lack of internet and electricity. After El Questro we drove deep into the Kimberley to explore the wild wild west! Each day in the Kimberley was spent hiking through […]
Buddy Tyson – A Cultured Coloured Gentleman

Stacy and I were in need of a stiff drink after the heart stopping drive to Saddleback lookout! We should have minded the sign that cautioned the very steep and narrow track but had falsely deemed ourselves to be the experienced 4 x 4 drivers that were allowed to enter. We sat down at the […]
Aussie RT Day 6: El Questro

Stacy and I did not make a side trip to Mexico, we are indeed still in Australia. When we asked a local why the town was named El Questro, he said that booze was to blame and told us a tall tale about the owner of the land getting drunk with his mates and deciding […]
Aussie RT Day 4-5: Bungle Bungles

It was a tight fit, but we managed to squeeze four people into the Jeep. We had to leave some of our stuff in Thibauth’s car to make room for him and Shir. The two made great travel companions and we were happy to have them accompany us on our Bungle Bungles adventure. We turned […]
GBF: It was suppose to be funny …

The Good – We explored Echidna Chasm and photographed the beautiful color variations caused by the angle of the sun beaming into the chasm. The Bad – Another camera bites the dust! * The Funny – “It was suppose to be funny” – Stacy * The Olympus Stylus Tough Camera is “shockproof” up to 6 […]
Aussie RT Day 3: Everything happens for a reason

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason – good or bad – life is as it should be. I also believe the saying “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Day 3 of our Aussie road trip was spent mostly driving toward Western Australia, unsure of which […]