Posts Tagged ‘Hercules’
Best of 2011 – By the seat of my skirt

Some of my best memories to date were made in 2011 … BEST SUNSET: Broome, Western Australia South Pacific – Minerva Reef BEST DIVE: Navy Pier, Exmouth Exmouth, America Down Under BEST PLACE TO TAKE PHOTOS: New Zealand, everywhere! Coromandel Penninsula, North Island BEST NEW SKILLS: Kitesurfing and Sailing BEST PLACE […]
How much did the Aussie road trip cost us???

People often ask me how I can afford to travel so much. Long term travel doesn’t have to be expensive and it is quite possible to travel for months on a small daily budget. If you are willing to rough it, sleep in strange places, and eat lots of PB&J, you will be surprised how […]
Bye Bye Hercules, we will miss you heaps!

On the way to Margaret River we stopped for a few days in Perth to prepare Hercules for sale. Herc had driven us from Darwin to Perth, over 8,000 KM (5,000 miles) without a bath. He was SO dirty!!! It took us over three hours to get all of the red outback dust and dirt […]
Aussie RT Day 14: Dampier Peninsula

After the croc drove us out of Broome we decided to take a detour and head north to explore the Dampier Peninsula, which we heard was beautifully rugged and can only be explored with a 4WD. We love taking Hercules place his 2WD friends can’t go! The craggy coastline was absolutely gorgeous, the peninsula felt […]
Aussie RT Day 1: FLAT TIRE!

Seriously, I have to ask … who gets a flat tire in the first 10 minutes of a road trip??? Stacy and Kelly that’s who! No joke, lie, or exaggeration. We had just excitedly waved goodbye to Ludo and Steph, happy to be on the road with Hercules on the first day of our big adventure. […]
And we’re off! Let the Aussie road trip begin …

The day has finally arrived, Stacy and I are taking off on our big Aussie road trip adventure! We will start from Darwin with a final destination somewhere south of Perth. The Margaret River Valley is said to be gorgeous this time of year. We estimate the drive will be around 3000 miles, depending on […]
We bought a 4WD Jeep!!!

And his name is Hercules … but first let me explain Stacy and I came to be proud owners of a 1995 4WD Jeep Cherokee! When our plane to Darwin landed at 1:00 in the morning, Stacy and I wondered where we would sleep? It seemed silly to spend money on a hostel for only […]