Posts Tagged ‘Greece’
Best of 2013 – By the Seat of My Skirt

This post is late, but I enjoyed reliving 2013 putting together the “Best Of” list! BEST ADVENTURE: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro BEST CHALLENGE/ACHIEVEMENT: Summiting Kilimanjaro – 19,340 feet! BEST HOME AWAY FROM HOME: Stäfa, Switzerland COOLEST CREATURE: The Lemur BEST FIRST IMPRESSION: Naxos, Greece BEST DAY HIKE: There is a great hiking trail Glarus, Switzerland that […]
Athens, Greece in photos

As a history lover, I have long wanted to visit Athens, Greece … one of the world’s oldest cities many claim to be the birthplace of Western civilization and democracy. I found the city completely enchanting, the juxtaposition of a modern Athens busting and built around ancient ruins was super cool and unique. The underground […]
Naxos … I will be back!

“There are doers and there are talkers. You guys are doers. You came, you did, and it was a great time … thanks so much for visiting mates! CHEERS!” said Dave as he raised his glass of Oyzo. With the clink of glass I understood what he meant. Talkers annoy me. Stop talking about it […]
My first impression of Naxos, Greece

Photo of the week: Naxos, Greece as seen upon my arrival via ferry from Athens. Gorgeous island!