Posts Tagged ‘australia’
If at first you don’t succeed, try try try try again!

Video of my kitesurfing adventures in Lancelin …
White Christmas in Lancelin

Lancelin is nestled between the ocean and seemingly endless white sand dunes. From the top of the dunes you can see a pretty view of the ocean and is a great place to catch the sunset. As I recently learned, the dunes is not the best place to visit on a windy day! There are […]
Lost in Translation

My new friend Mylene is French and when she is not windsurfing she is always wanting to practice her English. I have loved my chats with Mylene as well as her yummy apple pies. As a homework assignment I asked her to write out her secret apple pie recipe in English. Mylene has a sweet […]

Learned something new today: Strangely enough I learned a new English word from my new Swiss friends. They recently attended English school and find the English language to be quite confusing at times. They asked me if I had ever heard the word schadenfreude. I had not. Schadenfreude – a feeling of pleasure that you […]
Thanksgiving Down Under

I am attempting to catch up this blog with all I have been up to the past three weeks in Lancelin. I have been having too much fun kitesurfing and hanging with new friends to want to sit down in front of a computer! A few weeks back I hosted a very international Thanksgiving dinner […]
Blown away by Lancelin …

I was recently reminded why I do not make plans too far in advance when traveling and prefer to fly by the seat of my skirt. I have always regretted the times when I have thought too far ahead instead of allowing life to evolve, as it should be. Plan as you may, things change, […]
Aussie RT Day 33-38: Road trip ends in Perth

After 38 days on the road, 8000 km driven, the Stacy/Kelly/Hercules WA road trip came to an end in Perth. Stacy and I said goodbye as she had to catch a flight to Melbourne and then back to San Francisco. I checked into a hostel (Easy Perth Backpackers) for the first time during my trip […]
Bye Bye Hercules, we will miss you heaps!

On the way to Margaret River we stopped for a few days in Perth to prepare Hercules for sale. Herc had driven us from Darwin to Perth, over 8,000 KM (5,000 miles) without a bath. He was SO dirty!!! It took us over three hours to get all of the red outback dust and dirt […]
Aussie RT Day 29-32 – Margaret River

Margaret River (aka Marge) is located about 3 hours south of Perth and is best known to be an excellent wine making region, home to 90 wineries. Stacy’s friend Lara (also a Cali girl) lives in Marge and was kind enough to let us stay with her and her boyfriend Will. It was so nice […]
And the best flavored canned tuna winner is…

MEXICAN!!! Followed closely by Red Curry! Flavored tuna is a phenomenon neither Stacy or I have experienced outside of Australia. We were amazed by the huge selection of flavors to choose from in the canned goods isle at Coles grocery store. I have never been a big fan of tuna in a can, but at […]
Aussie RT – Day 28: Finding Jesus in New Norcia

After our detour inland to find wildflowers, we stumbled upon the small town of New Norcia. We heard that monks resided in the town and I suggested we go to the evening service as I love to listen to monks chanting. As we entered the building the first thing I noticed was a large photo […]