One of those days…
New Zealand, RTW: 2007-2008 — By Kelly on March 6, 2008 4:11 AMWednesday was just one of those days… I blame my lack of sleep from the night before on most of it, but it was just one of those annoying days when everything was way harder than it should be! I got back from hiking the glacier and was overjoyed to realize that I had the entire hostel room to myself for the night! About midnight I left the room and realized that my door would not lock. I quickly became freaked out and wished I wasn’t alone in the room. I became even more freaked out when I realized that the door that exited the building right next to my room also didn’t lock!?!? Reception was closed and there was nothing I could do about the situation but deal with it. I created my own barricade against the door, which included a nightstand, a chair, and a large rock I found outside! I wasn’t able to go to sleep until after 4 am and I had to get up very early to catch my bus.
I woke up very grumpy the next day and my morning started off bad when I learned the flight I had booked the night before to Wellington had gone on sale $80 cheaper than what I had paid! My laptop battery apparently has died, I hit my head on the top bunk, I ran out of cell phone minutes in the middle of a call, no one was at reception for me to complain to about the door, I couldn’t get through to the immigration office regarding a very important visa question, I lost my umbrella (AGAIN), my legs ached from my hike, my feet hurt due to the huge blisters on my heels, I had no clean socks, I didn’t have time to take a shower, the lunch I bought sucked, I lost my cell phone but then someone turned it in, my ipod ran out of battery on the bus ride, and I felt extremely car sick the entire 5 hour ride to Wanaka.
When I arrived in Wanaka, I knew right away that I would like the town and was happy to be off the bus! I checked into my hostel, the Purple Cow The Purple Cow, and decided I needed a beer. When I spilled the beer on myself and the table while attempting sitting down…I decided it was just one of those days and hoped the next would be better. I also decided to buy a lotto ticket in hopes my luck would change! I will find out on Sunday if I won! I heard a story recently of an Aussie backpacker winning the New Zealand lottery after only being in the country 2 days.
I needed a chill night and decided to take myself to a movie. This was the first movie I have ever gone to alone and I had a great time with myself! Cinema Paradiso is the best movie theater I have ever been too and was just what I needed! I went to the 6pm showing of “Death at a Funeral” which was hysterical. The theater serves food, drinks,
and amazing huge homemade cookies! You can eat your food while watching the movie on a comfy couch! I had Quesadillas, a beer, and a very yummy white chocolate ginger cookie. The best part was the seating…there were rows and rows of the perfectly broken in couches. I left the movie feeling 100 times better and decided to head to bed early on a good note.
This morning I checked out of the hostel, stored my bag, and headed to the post office. I mailed a big package of stuff back to Sydney. I am currently storing all the stuff I shouldn’t have brought with me at the Bunac office. I am now only traveling with my big backpack, daypack, and camera bag. It is SO much better only having the one big bag! I recently bought myself 2 very cool prints from a local photographer in Greymouth, New Zealand, and I didn’t want to travel with them. I am planning on buying cool things from all over the world to furnish my future home!
I was still feeling a little off from the day before, so I went to a morning yoga class, which as always makes me feel so much better! I had some time to spare before my next bus so I rented a bike and biked for 3 hours along Lake Wanaka. What a beautiful and charming town it is! Wanaka is only and hour outside of Queenstown, but has managed to stay small and has retained a village feel. The city has done a lot to discourage big development while Queenstown has transformed into a large resort like city.
As I cycled through gorgeous scenery I also saw the cutest houses! Wanaka is definitely a place I could retire! It is small and quiet but not too remote, and has many charming shops and cafes. There were cute older couples tending to their gardens, people walking dogs, joggers, an older lady knitting on her front porch swing, people having picnics by the lake…everyone seemed to be taking it easy and just enjoying life!
To see all the pictures from Lake Wanaka CLICK HERE!
After a short bus ride, I am now in Queenstown. The city is much bigger than Wanaka, with a population of 9,000. I walked around town tonight for a while and it is SO cold! I was wearing a fleece but I couldn’t get warm! I was warned it is much colder down here, but I don’t really have that many warm clothes. I was craving soup so I took myself to a sushi restaurant and had miso soup and an unagi roll. YUM! I never had sushi until I moved to San Francisco and it took me several tries to “acquire a taste for it”…but I am now one of those people who I use to think were crazy, who crave raw fish!
There are endless extreme adventure options available in Queenstown. I am going to pretend that I did not see the paraglider crash before my eyes tonight! I have already booked 2 very fun days for myself! I am going to take a break on the strenuous exercising as my legs definitely hate me for all that I have put them through the past few weeks! Tomorrow is a very eventful day for me… I can’t wait to tell you all about it!
Tags: biking, lakes, New Zealand, South Island New Zealand, Wanaka
1 Comment
I’m a fan of going to the movies alone if I can’t find anyone to go drinking with 🙂 Glad you had a good time and it sounds like things are on the upswing for you! Only one more day of my antibiotic 🙂