Thelma & Louise battle the flies!

Australia, WA Roadtrip — By on November 8, 2010 11:06 AM

Australian flies are relentless in their persuit of entering all holes in your face. I have eaten more flies than I wish to recount. They often emerge at the most beautiful of settings, determined to challenge your will be be one with nature.  They will pester you until you find yourself cursing and having ongoing ranting conversations with them as you fail in your attempt to rid yourself of their company.

“Get out of my nose fly!” ” Leave me alone!” “Get OFFFF of me you stupid fly!” “I hate you flies!”  “DIE FLIES!!!!” and in honor of my bf in San Francisco … “I will end you flies!!!” You begin to think you are loosing your mind and really wish that Australia could get their flies under control all ready!

Short of wearing a full on head net, we found a more stylish way to combat the pest from entering our eyes and ears, but our nose and mouth are still fair game! GRRRRRR!!!!!

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  1. BF in SF says:

    I love this picture and blog. You’re right, I would be ending those flies. But I’m loving your solution, stylish and effective. Very Thelma and Louise. Miss you both SO much!!

  2. Lisa says:

    LMAO. Love the pictue of you with the net on. You sweat stains on your shirt look like a smiley face. lol

    • Kelly says:

      haha! those are actually water stains from my bikini, but there are usually lots of sweat stains going on these days too! : )

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